Translation in Astana. Fair “Education in Europe and USA”

Ian P.Little and translator Snezhana Skakovskaya
It was a really interesting day since I was invited to the “Education in Europe and USA” fair as a translator. It was held at Eurasian national university in Astana.
There were many representatives of universities in England, Scotland, the Czech Republic, the USA and others. I was translating for Mr. Ian P.Little, who is a director of international recruitment office of international education.
I took part in such kind of fair as a translator for the third time that is why I knew what was going to happen and actually I knew what kind of translation I would be doing. Pupils with their parents, students and post-graduates were interested in getting more information about tuition fees, accommodation, deadlines for application forms and so on. These are standard questions that have standard answers so the process of translation went smoothly. These fairs are usually extremely useful both for students and representatives of universities.
Fair started at 14.00 and so many people came up to our table that I couldn’t stop my translation even for a minute. There were several heads of universities of Kazakhstan who wanted to sign an agreement with Virginia Commonwealth University and these people turned my translation from common English to Business English. That is the moment when my work became more important and more interesting.
Four or five hours later we didn’t have many visitors so we finally had a chance to talk. It is always very interesting to find out what a foreigner knew about Kazakhstan before he came over. I tried to look at our country from his prospective and share with him my knowledge in the sphere of culture and history of Kazakhstan.
The fair is over but I am still thinking about it . For me it is a great opportunity to meet people from all over the world, work with them and keep in touch with them afterwards. It is also an extremely useful experience for me because of the practice I have since both language and communication skills are involved in the process of translation. Usually I make a list of words or phrases that were difficult to translate, then at home I look those words up in the dictionary and learn by heart in order for me not to have difficulties in translation next time. Thus step by step I enlarge my vocabulary.
So I am looking forward to new fairs, new universities, new people!
September 23rd, 2008 at 8:41 am
Snezhana was a delight to work with. She was able to understand the finer points of my presentation which allowed me to communicate quickly and effectively with my audience. She demonstrated a level of professionalism which gave me the confidence I needed to communicate comfortably.