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Working as English-Russian translator for Fichtner Gmbh

March 25th, 2010

About one year ago I was first contacted by the German consulting company Fichtner. They needed „einen Dolmetscher in Astana“ so they found me and our collaboration had started.

Technical translation services for Fichtner GmbH

Technical translation services for Fichtner GmbH

First I did a test translation from Russian to English in order for them to evaluate my level of English. Then I started working for this company as a remote English-Russian translator. I was sent many documents, among which there were technical specifications of the hydro power plant refurbishment project. After several months of written translation I was asked to be on-site translator.

The site is located in the South of Kazakhstan, close to Uzbek border. It was a totally new experience for me: I was no longer working in front of my computer day and night, I was visiting the hydro power plant, I was translating on the field while there was drilling and sampling. I saw with my own eyes how a turbine, a generator, a swichyard look like. That helped a lot in my translation because it is always easier to translate when you know what you are talking about. I worked closely with several specialists: engineers, electricians, geolist, layout designer and I really liked it. Besides, the place was really beautiful and I could go swimming in the reservoir after I finished my work.

I have only good memories about this assignment and I would like to thank Maia Burduli for being such a great person!