July 17th, 2015
Last week I had a great honor of translating the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. He participated in the Nazarbayev University graduation ceremony in order to personaly issue diplomas to the best students; I was providing English-Russian simultaneous translation services during the ceremony.

Translating for the President N.Nazarbayev in Astana
Eventhough translating the President is a great responsibility (and quite a lot of pressure, too), it went very smoothly: the President is a great speaker; he knows how to deliver a speech keeping in mind he is being interpreted at the moment.
The President opened the ceremony which was continued by speeches delivered by university’s faculty members; diplomas were issued to bachelor and master degree students.
I am sure it was a great honor for them too to receive such an important document from the hands of the President.
I wish all the best to alumni of the Nazarbayev University, let theor professional lives be as impressive as their graduation ceremony!
Tags: conference interpreter astana, English-Russian simultaneous translation, interpreter Astana, interpreter Nazarbayev University, Nazarbayev University, translation Nazarbayev university, translator for President, translator kazakhstan
Posted in About Kazakhstan, Astana, education abroad, Interpreter Astana, Simultaneous translation, translation services, translation Астана, Астана
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June 30th, 2015
In June 2015 I was lucky to be invited to Milan as an English-Russian interpreter for Expo 2015. Kazakhstan participates in the Expo 2015 and its pavillion is one of the most popular ones. On June,27th Kazakhstan celebrates its National day: a big official delegation from Astana came to Milan, Kazakhstan’s pavillion was visited by several high-level delegations from other countries, including one from Italy headed by its Prime-Minister. I was there to provide translation services from English to Russian and vice versa.

Together with the Kazakh delegation I had a chance to visit other pavillions, for example UAE pavillion, the country to host Expo 20202. Some other impressive pavillions were those of Germany, Japan, Azerbajan, etc.
Unfortunately I didn’t have much time for visiting other pavillions as I was mainly involved in the negitiations in the Kazakh pavillion between different delegations.
Celebration continued with a big concert which starred famous Kazakh dancers, singers, craftsmen. The idea of the National Day is to show a country’s culture and in the case of Kazakhstan also get people intetersted in visiting Expo 2017 in Astana.
Eventful but short trip to Italy came to an end and so I am headed home for more translation work in Astana.
Tags: Astana, Astana expo 2017, english to kazakhstan translation, English translator in Astana, english translator milan, expo 2017 interpreter, expo translation, russian translator milan, russian-english translation astana, Translator Astana, translator kazakhstan
Posted in About Kazakhstan, Abu Dhabi, Astana, Exhibition, Expo 2015 Milan, EXPO 2017, Expo 2020 russian interpreter, Expo Astana 2017, Fairs, News, translation services, translation Астана, Астана
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August 24th, 2011
I just came back to Kazakhstan from my trip to Europe and on the same day I left for Aktau, a city on the Caspian Sea, to provide simultaneous translation services to the Ministry of the Environment Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Conference of the Parties to the framework convention of the marine environment of the Caspian Sea was held in Aktau with the participation of all the Caspian littoral countries: Azerbaijan, Islamic Republic of Iran, Kazakhstan, Russian Federation, Turkmenistan and UN Secretariat.
On the first two days there was discussion at the level of experts and working groups that touched upon protocols to be signed by the Ministers of Environment Protection of the five countries. Discussion were hot and lasted till midnight or even longer. But it was worth it: by the end of the third day the Ministers signed a protocol which from now on will be called the Aktau Protocol. This is the first protocol that was singed over the last eight years of work so everybody who participated at the Conference was very proud of this accomplishment.
After the signature of the Protocol there was another meeting between the Mayor of Mangystau oblast’ (which is where Aktau is situated) and the UN representative in Kazakhstan. I was asked to consecutively interpret during this meeting. The meeting was short but fruitful and its outcome is that there is a possibility for cooperation between the UN agencies in Kazakhstan and the region.
Tags: Aktau, English-Russian simultaneous translation, simultaneous translation in Aktau, translator kazakhstan
Posted in About Kazakhstan, Aktau, Foreigners in Kazakhstan, News, Simultaneous translation, translation services
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May 2nd, 2011
On April, 18-22 I worked as a conference interpreter at Nazarbayev University. I was doing simultaneous translation – professors of Public Policy from National university of Singapore were invited as lectors for a week long seminar for government officials.

Seminar was divided into several parts: Professor Asher made a presentation on what makes countries grow: implications for Kazakhstan. Professor spoke about main drivers of growth, knowledge economy and knowledge management, national and firm competitiveness. Second lecture was dedicated to the public finance and budgeting, that lecture mostly covered accrual accounting in comparison to cash accounting. Pr. Asher gave many examples of international practice, including IMF code of good practices on fiscal transparency.
Next lecture was on the State Enterprise reform and on Public Private Partnership, including different models, risk classification, etc.
Two following days lectures were held by Vice dean and Associate Professor, Dr. Fritzen. His main topic was transformational leadership in the public sector with the focus on strategic triangle of effective policy desing, effective implementation and strong stakeholder support. Participants took a great interest in that lecture, as well as in that on controlling corruption. Dr. Fritzen made his two sessions interactive, he encouraged participants to come up with the examples that are relevant to Kazakhstan.
The seminar was a great experience for me since I worked in a pair with a very experienced conference interpreter, I had a chance to learn from her and ask for her opinion on different aspects of being an interpreter.
Tags: conference interpreter astana, interpreter for seminar, kazakh translation, simultaneous translation Astana, translation agency astana, translation company astana, translator kazakhstan
Posted in About Kazakhstan, Advice column, Astana, Foreigners in Kazakhstan, Sessions, Simultaneous translation, tours in Astana, translation services
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