February 27th, 2016
On February 24-25th the second Expo 2017 International Participants Meeting was held in Astana where I worked as a simultaneous French-Russian interpreter. The first IPM was held in November 2014 where I worked as an English-Russian translator.

French translator for Expo 2017 in Astana
International participants were presented with the information on work progress in terms of organization of and preparation for Expo 2017 in Astana. They learned about how the construction is going, what is done in th area of marketing, ticketing, how Kazakhstan is planning on attracting millions of visitors to the Expo 2017.
The participants were very active during these two days, they asked questions about safety and security, about a possibility to have a day or even a week of African culture during Expo. After two vety intensive days they were able to see the construction site with their own eyes and get an idea of what Expo 2017 in Astana will look like.
About 10 participation countries were signed during IPM, it is expected that Expo 2017 in Astana will host about 100 countries, some will be represented as a region, international organizations and NGOs will be present as well.
I have been involved in Expo since 2012 when Kazakhstan just submitted its application dossier and hosted an Equiry Mission. Back then 2017 seem very far away and now we are at the finish line just a year away from this exciting event. I am really looking forward to Expo 2017 in Astana!
Tags: Astana, astana interprete, expo 2020 translator, expo translator, french translation astana, french translator astana, IPM, translation Kazakhstan, translator for expo 2017
Posted in About Kazakhstan, Abu Dhabi, Advice column, Astana, Exhibition, Expo 2015 Milan, EXPO 2017, Expo 2020 russian interpreter, Expo Astana 2017, Fairs, Foreigners in Kazakhstan, Interpreter Astana, Le Français, News, Simultaneous translation, tours in Astana, translation services, translation Астана, Астана
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June 30th, 2015
In June 2015 I was lucky to be invited to Milan as an English-Russian interpreter for Expo 2015. Kazakhstan participates in the Expo 2015 and its pavillion is one of the most popular ones. On June,27th Kazakhstan celebrates its National day: a big official delegation from Astana came to Milan, Kazakhstan’s pavillion was visited by several high-level delegations from other countries, including one from Italy headed by its Prime-Minister. I was there to provide translation services from English to Russian and vice versa.

Together with the Kazakh delegation I had a chance to visit other pavillions, for example UAE pavillion, the country to host Expo 20202. Some other impressive pavillions were those of Germany, Japan, Azerbajan, etc.
Unfortunately I didn’t have much time for visiting other pavillions as I was mainly involved in the negitiations in the Kazakh pavillion between different delegations.
Celebration continued with a big concert which starred famous Kazakh dancers, singers, craftsmen. The idea of the National Day is to show a country’s culture and in the case of Kazakhstan also get people intetersted in visiting Expo 2017 in Astana.
Eventful but short trip to Italy came to an end and so I am headed home for more translation work in Astana.
Tags: Astana, Astana expo 2017, english to kazakhstan translation, English translator in Astana, english translator milan, expo 2017 interpreter, expo translation, russian translator milan, russian-english translation astana, Translator Astana, translator kazakhstan
Posted in About Kazakhstan, Abu Dhabi, Astana, Exhibition, Expo 2015 Milan, EXPO 2017, Expo 2020 russian interpreter, Expo Astana 2017, Fairs, News, translation services, translation Астана, Астана
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September 23rd, 2010
It is amazing how many people need a Russian translator in Dubai, English to Russian translation in Abu Dhabi also seems to be a common occurence.

I already have some experience in working with people from UAE, be it a translation of an excursion in Astana or technical translation in Almaty related to door locks.

Many more people contact me to request Russian translation in the UAE but since I am based in Kazakhstan it’s not easy to establish any kind of partnership.
One day I said to myself „Why not go to the country by a rapid growth of which I am so impressed?“ So said so done!
I am planning to go to Dubai in the middle of November, so if anyone is interested in Russian interpreter services, please let me know in advance and I will be happy to meet and discuss our potential work together.
Tags: English-Russian translator Abu Dhabi, English-Russian translator Dubai, kazakhstan translator, legal English to Russian translation Abu Dhabi, Russian interpreter servives Dubai, Russian translator Dubai, translation company Dubai
Posted in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, News, translation services
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